What the 2021 Sagittarius solar eclipse means for you

Cosmic Cannibal 

[email protected] 

     Yep, there’s another eclipse on the horizon, but unlike last month’s, this eclipse is a new moon solar eclipse. On Saturday, Dec. 4 at 12:43 a.m., the Sun and Moon will align in fire sign Sagittarius. The good news: this new moon solar eclipse marks the end of 2021 eclipse season. The not-so-good news: it takes place in Sagittarius, a sometimes frenzied and frenetic sign. 

     If you listened to this episode of the subScribe podcast, then you know that eclipses are not the days to act on your feelings. Mostly because your feelings are really intense during an eclipse and it’s difficult to think clearly. During a solar eclipse the Moon is right smack dab between the Earth and the Sun, which not only blocks light from the Sun, but it also blocks us from thinking realistically or rationally.  

     Still, solar eclipses can bring about opportunities that set us on a new path toward growth and change. And these opportunities tend to be bigger, bolder and way more bizarre than we could ever hope or imagine.  

     The Astro Twins say, “Solar eclipses might snatch away the familiar temporarily, forcing us to consider options we would never otherwise explore.” They also say that a lot of major growth can occur during this time, because — even though we feel forced beyond our control — we’re leaping into new and uncharted terrain.  

     The natural lunar energy of Sagittarius is optimistic and adventurous. This often manifests as excessive positivity and escapism. Since Mercury is closely conjunct the Sagittarius solar eclipse, mental restlessness and hyperactivity are practically guaranteed. A question to ask yourself this Sagittarius Solar Eclipse is: What am I trying to escape by being too positive?  

     Of course, the answer depends entirely on your Sun and Rising sign, so without further furor: 

Your 2021 Sagittarius Solar Eclipse Horoscope 

Aries ♈ 

     Searching for truth? Lately, you’ve been desperate to expand your worldview in hopes of understanding or changing your personal beliefs. The eclipse may deliver an opportunity to do this via travel, grad school, or a course on Buddhism. Or it might bring an out of body experience/revelation. Either way, it’s wise to be prepared…   


     Any secrets you’ve been keeping from your loved ones might feel so overwhelming that you spill your guts. But divulging your deepest feelings — such as an attraction to the aliens from “Mars Attacks” — does not do more than make you feel exposed. Of course, being so open might also help kickstart your personal transformation. So, your choice…  

Gemini ♊ 

     It might be that your spouse, beau or BFF feel the brunt of this eclipse. Or, one of these people (maybe even an enemy) could be the harbinger of chaos that pushes you to call it quits. Yes, a relationship may rupture, but it might also be repaired or replaced with something brand spanking new…     

Cancer ♋ 

     Work affairs and your day-to-day-routine have been getting so busy that you’re ready to blow a gasket — and you may very well do this on the eclipse. Of course, you could also receive a helping hand from a friendly face, which helps you keep your cool and finish all your to-dos, even amid the holiday stress…    

Leo ♌ 

     If you’ve been struggling with self-esteem, romance or creativity, then this eclipse will feel like a searing reminder of how not up-to-snuff these parts of your life are. The good news, the eclipse could also present an opportunity for a new creative project — or love affair — which reignites your passion and reminds you how amazing you are…  

Virgo ♍ 

     Your home could become the unofficial hotel for out-of-town family members and you start to wonder if maybe running away is your only option for peace and quiet. Hey, sometimes people need time away from the fam. So if an opportunity to take a solo trip arises, you’d be a fool not to take it…  

Libra ♎ 

     A writing or speaking event — such as a workshop or open mic — could inspire you to put pen to paper and start writing poems or a rap album. (Most rappers are Libras, you know.) That, or maybe you freely speak your mind in a way you’ve never before done. Third option: your day-to-day life is drastically altered…   

Scorpio ♏ 

     Have you been prioritizing other people’s needs over your own? Realizing that you’ve been giving more than you get might be a hard pill to swallow, but it’s not anything to hold against yourself. Of course, if the reverse is true (you’ve been getting more than you give), then it might be time to change…  

Sagittarius ♐ 

     This eclipse may feel like a car wreck. Your confidence, plans for the future — even your creativity and feelings about your body — could each deflate like flat tires. Or the whole engine could explode, but an opportunity for a new beginning via your identity and/or self-expression may patch you up quicker than a NASCAR pit crew…   

Capricorn ♑ 

     The end-of-semester exhaustion is real and all you want to do is sleep. This would be more plausible if problems from the past weren’t keeping you awake. Facing all the feels is the only way you’ll get to sleep soundly again. Bonus: you might get a chance to work behind the scenes on a project…   

Aquarius ♒ 

     You may realize that you’re over the whole group thing and want to go Han Solo in life. Or, an opportunity to make new friends in new places may be so alluring, you can’t turn it down. Either way, the eclipse sets fire to your social circle. Watch that you don’t burn any crucial bridges…   

Pisces ♓ 

     This eclipse puts you in the limelight, but you may struggle embracing all the attention. One of your professional achievements — graduation, promotion, study abroad acceptance — draws attention from your boss, parents or teacher. How? Well, whatever you did (good or bad) may be publicized online or in print. You could even be interviewed for a news feature…