16 October 2018
Devon Williams
The Gallogly Recreation and Wellness Center is hosting this semester’s Barbells and Brunch event on Oct. 21 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., inviting all who are interested for a morning of food and educational exercise.
The the event was started by Katie Gordon, the wellness promotion manager at UCCS.
Gordon said in an email that she “got the idea from other campuses across the country that do similar events. The purpose of the event is to provide a non-intimidating environment for people interested in weightlifting.”
This event is for those who feel the need for a better understanding of the weight room when working out, and features easy access to personal trainers, dietitians and peer educators.
During Barbells and Brunch, participants will learn the proper technique and form for many exercises intended to create muscle strength and build endurance and will be introduced to the equipement in the Recreation and Wellness Center.
After the workout, a healthy brunch will be provided while talking about recipes that are healthy and will replenish a person’s nutritional needs after a workout. The gym will open early for participants, so no one else will be able to be there.
“This event is a fun and engaging way to try something new and build your confidence!” said Gordon.
Gordon said that the event will be important to students at UCCS.
“This event was started to address an issue that female international students expressed on our campus: they could not exercise in front of men due to cultural and religious values,” said Gordon. “In addition, we had been hearing from other female students that they were intimidated in the fitness center; some women identified that they did not think that they should lift weights at all.”
Barbells and Brunch allows women to be educated on the significance of weight lifting in a safe space.
The first Barbells and Brunch event took place last fall, according to Gordon, and “due to popularity we have repeated it every semester since.”
Participants can expect to leave having learned about five specific lifts, according to Gordon.
Gordon surveyed participants in the event after the last event in spring 2017.
“From our survey last spring, when asked what opinions or viewpoints changed after the event, participants noted that the gym wasn’t as intimidating as they had originally thought, weight lifting is something a woman can do, and women should weight lift,” said Gordon.
Gordon said that everyone is welcome to sign up and attend the event, but wants potential participants to be aware that the event focuses on the female experience, with a goal to educate women on how to utilize the Recreation and Wellness Center.
All attendees will receive a free water bottle branded for the event, but registration is required and will be capped at 50 people. Registration can be found online at uccs.edu/recwellness/wellness/events/barbellsandbrunch.