Megan Lunsford | The Scribe
Scribe Staff
[email protected]
A report published Sept. 21 said nearly one in four college women have experienced unwanted sexual contact.
The online survey, taken by 150,000 students, led to this statistic. An Associated Press article published the same day explained that “researchers said results could be biased slightly upwards because students who ignored the survey may have been less likely to report victimization.”
The article went on to explain specific circumstances the survey identified.
“Overall, 23 percent of undergraduate women at the participating universities said they had been physically forced – or threatened with force – into nonconsensual sexual contact or incapacitated when it happened. That included activities ranging from sexual touching or kissing to penetration.”
The number shouldn’t be that high.
With a statistic like this, those of us who deal in words on a weekly basis almost run out of words to describe it.
Incomprehensible. Unimaginable. Crazy. None of these accurately depict this insanity.
The AP article explained why students often don’t report incidents.
“The most common reason cited by students for not reporting an incident was that they didn’t consider it serious enough. Others said they were embarrassed or ashamed or ‘did not think anything would be done about it.’”
UCCS released their Annual Security and Fire Safety Report Oct. 1.
In 2012, there was one reported case of sexual offense – fondling.
In 2013, there were two reports of rape, one of which occurred in 2012, but was not reported until the next year. There were also two reports of sexual offense – fondling.
In 2014, only one case of sexual offense – fondling was reported.
Considering there are over 11,000 students on campus, this ratio is not near 1:4.
It is possible more cases went unreported. It is also possible that UCCS just doesn’t have many cases of unwanted sexual contact, which is amazing given the statistic of the rest of the nation.
Either way, the campus needs to do everything in its power to make sure students are safe and comfortable at UCCS.