In my time with The Scribe, I’ve been a reporter, sports editor, culture editor and reporter again. And in my time at UCCS, I’ve gone from not being sure about my major in digital filmmaking with a minor in creative writing to being thankful I finally made the choice to follow my dreams.
I started going to UCCS during the fall of 2020. If anyone remembers the fall of 2020, then we can all agree that it was a strenuous time for the world, and it affected everyone. I graduated from PPCC that spring with a plain Associate of Arts and was not sure about the world’s future or mine.
I knew I was going to write for The Scribe since I was the editor-in-chief at PPCC’s The Paper. I loved journalism and will always love student journalism and the power it gives to students. However, I was unsure if I wanted to write that fall mostly because the state of the world sent me into an existential panic. But that’s the reason why I needed to write. When the world is in panic, the world needs writers despite writers, like me, who want to hide away from it.
That semester I started writing news and culture until November when I began to write satire articles. Since then, satire articles have been a part of my lifeline here including a three-part Sandwich Day article series and Jeff Bezos’ journey as the “chancellor” of UCCS.
Sports writing was my other passion at The Scribe. I love sports, and being the sports editor taught me that sports are sometimes overlooked as it’s the place where we watch students do incredible things selflessly for their team.
At UCCS and The Scribe, I became confident in my writing. I became confident in my filmmaking. In my time here, I found the lost confidence I desperately needed again after attempting to follow a career path that was outside of my dreams.
So, follow your dreams and don’t apologize for doing it.
Image caption: Photo courtesy of Devon Martinez.