1 October 2019
Tamera Twitty

Has anyone else noticed that fall has come super early and way harder this year than normal? Granted, I know that there have always been those autumn fanatics: the type of people who put squash and gourds on their kitchen tables, burn pumpkin spice candles till the wicks meet the metal and string cottony-fake spiderwebs in the corners of every room. Traditionally I am one of those people. Us fall fools are a pretty niche group generally, but there is something about Fall 2019 that feels different.
The masses are feeling spooky this season as well. It seems like I have seen more maroons, mustard yellows, deep greens and jean skirts on campus then in my whole college career. Every beauty guru you follow on Instagram is sporting knit sweaters or smoky eyes. And I swear, I have been seeing this since the first week of August.
I cannot say I am not a fan, but I cannot help but wonder, why is fall so potent this year?
Here is the thing, for me, I needed fall this year. Really, truly needed it. Spring and summer were not seasons of growth for me as they should have been. I was holding on to some of the “leaves” that should have died last fall or even the fall before that.
I think that maybe we have all had a hard year — some of the leaves we have carried with us all this time are starting to get a little too heavy. Maybe it is time to just let them die.
I know that sounds dark, perhaps it is a little.
Do not think of this as death in the traditional sad, mourning kind of way. I am not suggesting that anyone gets in their feelings this season. Think of it as a renovation. Clean out the problem, shake off those leaves and get naked. Figuratively, of course.
Fall reminds us that letting go can be beautiful. Be a pumpkin spice bimbo or a spooky season slut and enjoy this time. Let it be reviving for you. But please do not hold on to what has been killing you this year, just let it die.
Also, wear as much flannel as you can, inject some apple cider directly into your veins and spend a couple of nights under the harvest moon. Maybe eat a caramel apple or two. In the meantime, here are a few seasonal events you can attend to meet other fall freaks just like you.