Photospread: First Halloween blue moon since 1944

Joy Webb and photos by Megan Moen

[email protected], [email protected]

The blue full moon on Oct. 31 was the first blue moon on Halloween since 1944. This occurrence had significance in the Astrological world, recognizing and having answers for the undeniable energy we all felt last week. The moon fell right in the middle of Scorpio season. 

This blue moon marked the end of Mercury retrograde and the blue moon was conjunct with Uranus, while Mars recently just moved into retrograde until Nov. 13.

If you are feeling a lot of different emotions, it could be because of the moon and the rest of the galaxy, or it could be the election, the pandemic and the many other things we are coping with, so look to the stars, protect your energy, follow your horoscopes and take care of yourself.