SGA Senate votes on Budget Advisory Committee Recommendations

March 6, 2018

Isaiah Cordova

[email protected]

     On Feb. 22, the SGA Senate approved every Budget Advisory Committee Recommendation it was presented. The Outdoor Club budget proposal for travel and food expenses. The travel expenses, adding up to $219.27, were approved with unanimous consent, and the food and beverage expenses were approved 9-1.

    The Club Tennis team applied to fund their sports expenses of $540, which was approved with unanimous consent.

    Arrow and Arrow, the on-campus archery club, requested $1621.89 for sports expenses, and was approved by the majority, 11-1.

    Woman’s Club Basketball requested $1379.74 for sports expenses, and was approved with unanimous consent.

    The Badminton Club applied for $438.65 and was approved with a unanimous vote.

    The Christian Challenge applied for $2000 in travel expenses, the maximum amount a club can apply for, and was approved with a unanimous vote.

    The Local Food Club also applied for $2000 in travel expenses, which was approved with a majority vote of 7-2, with three abstaining.

    The SGA Senate ended the BAC Recommendation votes after approving a total of $9171.73.