March 6, 2018
Isaiah Cordova
On Feb. 22, the SGA Senate approved every Budget Advisory Committee Recommendation it was presented. The Outdoor Club budget proposal for travel and food expenses. The travel expenses, adding up to $219.27, were approved with unanimous consent, and the food and beverage expenses were approved 9-1.
The Club Tennis team applied to fund their sports expenses of $540, which was approved with unanimous consent.
Arrow and Arrow, the on-campus archery club, requested $1621.89 for sports expenses, and was approved by the majority, 11-1.
Woman’s Club Basketball requested $1379.74 for sports expenses, and was approved with unanimous consent.
The Badminton Club applied for $438.65 and was approved with a unanimous vote.
The Christian Challenge applied for $2000 in travel expenses, the maximum amount a club can apply for, and was approved with a unanimous vote.
The Local Food Club also applied for $2000 in travel expenses, which was approved with a majority vote of 7-2, with three abstaining.
The SGA Senate ended the BAC Recommendation votes after approving a total of $9171.73.